Monday, September 30, 2019

A Great Leader: Martin Luther King, Jr.

It was the 1963 March on Washington, attended by 250,000 people, 75 percent of them black, where Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech (Ruffin, 2001). The speech was aired on national television, reaching millions of Americans, including the President.The speech effectively raised civil consciousness by providing a clear path and goals for the Civil Rights Movement. Three decades after he was gunned down on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee, Martin Luther King, Jr. remains to be the human rights icon of today whose influence has become a fixed part in the lives of those people he helped and touched (Pastan, 2004).Born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia he was the second of three children of Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King (Oates, 1994). Belonging to a middle-class family, King, Jr. and his siblings enjoyed relatively better lives than average black children.At the very young age, he was exposed to ideas and issue s of racial equality as his father was actively involved in the local chapter of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People who led a successful campaign to equalize the salaries of white and black teachers in Atlanta. Although he and his siblings had white playmates, they were not allowed to go to the same school with them.He attended Atlanta Public Schools, David T. Howard Elementary and then Booker T. Washington High School. When he was in high school, he joined an oratory contest and won second place. His happiness was short lived for he had a long bus ride to get home where passengers were segregated according to the color of their skin.The blacks had to stand and make room for the white people. At fifteen, he entered Atlanta's Morehouse College, then Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he earned his Ph.D in systematic theology. While in college at Cozer, King, Jr. became exposed to Mahatma Gandhi and was inspired by his advocacy of non-violent activism. He even visited the Gandhi family in India in 1959 to deepen his understanding of non-violent resistance and his commitment to the advocacy of the Civil Rights Movement in America (Sunnemark, 2004).After completing his education, he rejected most offers instead chose to become pastor of Montgomery, AL's Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. He was named president of the new Montgomery Improvement Association, which set his public career into motion. When he lead the local African-American community’s bus boycott, King, Jr. became a household name and threats started coming to him and his family. He and his groups demanded three things: (1) seating arrangements according to first come-first serve basis; (2) drivers equal treatments of white and black passengers; and (3) hire black drivers to predominantly black routes.Bus companies suffered losses as their customers are mainly black (Haskins, 1992). His house was bombed and he faced charges of co nspiracy against the bus company. The bus boycott lasted a year, characterized by violence and different forms of intimidation but King, Jr. did not fail to emphasize the Christian way to handle the attacks. He advised his group to â€Å"turn the other cheek†. In December 21, 1956, King, Jr. together with other boycott leaders, rode the first desegregated bus.The next few years were relatively quiet for King, Jr. but he remained to be active, getting involved with other civil rights movements. He founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to coordinate the protests which followed the success of the bus boycott (Garrow, 1968).The SCLC became involved with African-American students who voiced out their denunciation of segregated public facilities such as whites-only lunch counters. However, some students did not approve of King, Jr.’s participation in their cause (Kirk, 2007). They claimed that he was just all talk without taking real actions. He receive d all the credits from the hard work of the group. He kept the money, enjoyed the fame that truly belonged to others who sacrificed. This impression was furthered when he was able to spent lesser jail time compared to others who participated in sit-ins in an Atlanta department store and was arrested.They argued that King, Jr. used his mainstream appeal to leave the jail early through presidential candidate John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy needed King, Jr. to reach to the black people while the black people were in doubt whether King, Jr. was still the right leader to represent them. Versions of these criticisms surrounded him all through his life.Hallmark of his success was in 1964 when he received the Nobel Peace Prize (Bull, 2000). He accepted the award in behalf of the Civil Rights Movements. Early the next year, the Nobel Peace Prize winner was back in a jail cell. Such is the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Though intrigues, threats and violence hunted him all his life, his con tributions to free America, blacks and whites, were incomparable.ReferencesBull, Angela (2000). DK Readers: Free At Last, The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr. NY: Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc.Garrow, David (1968). Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. NY: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.Haskins, James (1992). The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. NY: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company.Kirk, John (2007). Martin Luther King, Jr. and The Civil Rights Movement: Controversies and Debates. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.Oates, Stephen (1994). Let the Trumpet Sound: A Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. NY: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.Pastan, Amy (2004). Martin Luther King, Jr: Biography. NY: DK Publishing, Inc.Ruffin, Frances (2001). Martin Luther King, Jr. and the March on Washington. NY: Grosset & Dunlap.Sunnemark, Fredrik (2004). Ring Out Freedom! The Voice of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement. IN: I ndiana University Press.  

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Florida Fast Track program Essay

Time is very valuable, and if there is a way of using it efficiently, and gaining the most in the shortest time possible, that is the way I would go. Florida Tech’s Fast Tack program gives me this opportunity, to be very efficient in my overall attaining of a masters degree. Being part of the program will help me achieve my goals, faster and earlier than I expect. Taking this program gives me an advantage of being able to qualify for the scholarship award during the fifth year as a full time student (Financial Aid, 2010). This also means that if I get a scholarship award during my undergraduate I can keep it if I undertake the fast track program. This will help me a lot in financing the masters program too. I will also have a head-start in my career, way before my colleagues who are taking the traditional program. This will go a long way in helping me serve my fellow citizens as soon as possible, for I have a great desire to work to benefit them through my career. The program will therefore enhance my fast growth to attaining qualification in this career. The program is also diverse and not specific to any course among those offered in the university. Through this, my choice is also catered for. By stating, â€Å"FastTrack is open to all undergraduates and is comprised of the following combined, accelerated degree programs†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Fast Track Masters’ Program, 2010), the admission department of Florida Tech makes it clear that the courses being offered at undergraduate level are available at masters’ level. I will therefore be happy to be part of the family of the Florida Technical College, and pursue my dream career. The other good thing about this program is that it is designed in a way to give full attention to the individual student. I will therefore be able to interact closely with my instructors to help me grasp the concepts very well. In addition to this, the program has nationally recognized certification, which gives me confidence in working through it to get the degree (Fast – Track a Career in Medical Assisting, 2010). I therefore know that I will have no problem getting a place in the corporate world in my career.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Museum of Art Essay

After visiting the Raleigh Museum of Art, I discovered two paintings that conjured up opposite feelings that I will compare and contrast. The painting I liked most was titled, Jungle Camp, 2000 an Acrylic on canvas 72 x 60 in. (182. 9 x 152. 4 cm), from one of North Carolina’s most respected artists, Maud Gatewood. Her paintings record the varied experiences of a wandering life. Writing on the back of the canvas, the artist notes the origins of this picture: â€Å"Trapped in the Amazon with a bad leg†. Confined to a hut, she made the most of the opportunity. The second painting titled, Venice without water, by North Carolina’s artist Donald Sultan was the painting I truly disliked because of the feelings it provoked. Sultan’s painting from 1990 was an acrylic painting and measured 96 x96 inches in dimension. Sultan used Butyl rubber, acrylic paint, and plaster on vinyl composite tiles, which were mounted on four Masonite panels. Both painting represent landscapes captured by the artists’ eyes or through a photograph. These paintings gave me two strong, but opposite, feelings: joy and sadness. I will describe the differences and contrast these two works of art. The two pieces of art works have several differences in style. First, the shape in the painting, jungle camp, is rectangular; while the second painting is square. The choice and use of color in the two paintings are completely opposite. Since color is most important to me, I chose the jungle camp painting due to the variety of bright colors that pop from canvas. The painting from Mrs. Gatewood is colorful, which gave me a feeling of joy and warmth. However, Sultan decided to use contrast instead of colors in his painting. Thus, Sultan’s painting is filled with different tones of grey, black, or white. Gatewood’s painting represents a jungle’s view from a patio or balcony. I can see tall palm trees all stuck to each other in her painting, which gives the impression of abundance and fertility. She chooses many different variations of green. For example, she utilizes certain hues of light green to create an effect of sun reflection. There are two types of curtains on the patio, hanging on a fine line. The first is really colorful, a mix of tropical color, and the second is like a white veil, which you can see trough it. The mix of materials and colors for the curtains, added to the jungle, procures me a sense of evasion, vacation, and relaxation. I was drawn to the atmosphere of serenity and tropic jumbled together, which is the reason that this painting evoked my interest. However, Sultan’s painting is the exact opposite of abundance and excursion. The whole artwork is quite dark and sad. It’s a representation of the well-known Rialto’s bridge, which is an infrastructure between to planes. The first plane is an illustration of wood’s pillars, which surround the Venetian canals; they are use by the gondoliers to park their â€Å"original dinghy†. The second plane is the bridge; it looks pretty scary and dark with no one crossing it. The final plane, which is the background, consists of some Venetian’s buildings. These buildings form a line that converges towards the bridge; which helps my eyes focus on the main subject the bridge. Sultan’s painting does not reflect the Venice that I saw five years ago. When I think about my trip to Venice, I have an enriched memory filled with bright colors from the Carnival. I remember vivid colors on all the masks, costumes, life, and crawl of people. Sultan’s artwork doesn’t have any of my souvenirs. Instead, the painting is more like a sinister version of the beautiful city, Venice. Although I do not like this particular outlook of Venice, I realized after studying his painting that the artist is expressing his environmental point of view of the city, which I completely agree with. As an admirer of this city, I feel concerned by the environmental issue depicted in the painting. The notion that the excess of tourism could be destructive to a fragile city like Venice is a valid concern. The artist conveys his dismay over â€Å"the deteriorating environment with the unused mooring posts, the dry canal bed of mud-like tar, and the melancholy mood of the painting†. I think that colors or tonalities are the essence of the painting, like the rhythm and tunes are for music. In my view colors are strongly subjective, they can have different psychologist effects and symbolist’s significations, they can differ from a culture to another; associating Black with mourning is normal, in our occidental countries, while in Asia it’s the actual opposite, White. In my case the colors are the main cause, on what I think is pretty or not.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Produce a critical analysis of the completed video that involves Essay

Produce a critical analysis of the completed video that involves theorising the possible practices, i.e., setting the practice i - Essay Example The film accomplishes its goal in creating an unexpected ending, but some of the work in the beginning could better frame the intentions for the reactions of the viewer. Blindside is a film that provides a classic point of view with a cleanly performed twist at the end. The film genre that Blindside is most similar to is that of the film noir, although just as film noir does, it slips effortlessly into the many aspects of the thriller. One of the aspects of film noir is in the crisis of masculinity that is defined through alienation and despair (Silver, 5). The two male characters in Blindside create two sides of the criminal aspects of masculine crisis and alienation and despair. As the viewer first watches the film, the alienation and despair of seeking a criminal that commits horrific and bloody crimes is clear in the way in which the first character, named Michael, is framed as he works with seriousness and intensity at his desk, while the frailty of life and the vulnerability of the human existence is exampled in the way in which Neeson, the second character, is at the side of the road, shivering in the wind as he waits for Michael to appear at the crime scene. One of the most obvious ways in which the filmmakers recreate an example of the genre of film noir is through filming most of the short in black and white. However, the film does diverge from this type of film when scenes from the murder are revealed in short bursts of cinematic cuts. However, a film needs to exhibit more qualities other than the simple quality of being black and white in order to be a type of film noir. The film must build suspense and must have an essential number of basic characteristics in the building of its storyline. Silver frames these themes which are embodied in characters as follows: Alienated characters Existentialism Obsessed characters Freudianism Proletarian characters Marxism Femme fatales Feminism All of the above Structuralism While this short film does not ha ve the space in which to reflect all of these concepts, the two main characters have a duality that both reflects alienated and obsessed characters, thus providing for existentialist aspects and Freudian aspects of characterization. In addition, they appear to have the working class aspect of their character, reflected through the subterfuge which fools the audience into believing they are police, as well as through the type of clothes they wear, the cars they drive, and their working class nature as they move through their scenes. The primary aspect of this structure that is missing is the femme fatale, the woman who represents betrayal and masculine femininity. In the case of Blindside, the female character is purely the victim. She represents the impending release of the masculine build up of crisis, the According to Gates, the next evolution from film noir was to create the serial killer which moved away from the femme fatale and the victim-hero towards the relationship of the m ale-male connectivity of the investigator and the killer. The noir film was replaced with films that denied the masculine crisis through a â€Å"masquerade of masculinity† (123). In Blindside, the two male leads reflect the potential variations of the investigator, whether the victim-hero or the overtly masculine through displays of machismo, until they reveal themselves for the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Foreign policy analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Foreign policy analysis - Essay Example Allison suggests that using this model may be too simplistic to explain accurately the full dynamics of the crisis. One of his reasons in promoting the â€Å"organizational actor† theory in contrast to this interpretation is that the State is not a single entity but rather a practical assemblage of people, processes, and institutions that often act with conflicting rates of efficiency and motivation. As Sundaram (2011) writes, â€Å"An ‘organizational process’ model in which the decision maker operates under time and information constraints, and does not seek an optimal solution. Instead, the decision maker engages in ‘satisficing’ behavior and attempts to find a solution which achieves a set (minimum) goal, and minimizes risk of failure.† (Sundaram, 2011, p.22) Allison finally modified this thesis to a â€Å"bureaucratic politics† which took into consideration the full complexity of the government in action. (Sundaram, 2011, p.25) These distinctions show why the decision-making aspects of government may proceed differently in a crisis vs. during normal times. A crisis presents a critical situation that can spiral out of control at any moment. This is seen in the nuclear escalation between the USA and USSR in the Cuban Missile Crisis. ... Practically, when the Cuban Blockade was implemented by Kenendy, the policy would be implemented not by JFK himself but by a wide range of instruments of the US bureaucracy, military, and innumerable soldiers or staff. If any one of these individuals made a mistake in the crisis, it could have spiraled out of control in a way that would have changed the way Kennedy or Khrushchev could make further decisions. Compare the negotiations between Gorbachev and Reagan that took place at Reykjavik and other locations during the end of the Cold War. In one to one negotiations at the highest level, the rational actor theory seems like a plausible way to explain history. Yet, in the Cuban Missile Crisis, the American Navy and Russian Navy could have exchanged fire at any time, creating a Gulf of Tonkin or Lusitania moment that could have led to further escalation in MAD. Allison states he expected that Kennedy made a personal and private offer to Khrushchev that defused the situation, and histo rically he was proven correct. (Marks, 1991, Web) This offer allowed Khrushchev to remove bases from Cuba with the personal assurance from Kennedy that the US nuclear weapons would also be removed from Turkey. (Marks, 1991, Web) Question 2: assess the effectiveness of military force as a tool for foreign policy In an article written just after the 9/11 attacks, MIT professor Noam Chomsky cited the US Army manual which define terrorism as "the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature...through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear." (Chomsky, 2002) What Chomsky and others have noted throughout history is the fundamental relationship of military force and the violence of war to terrorism. For example,

Entrepreneurial question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Entrepreneurial question - Essay Example One of the necessary resources for the establishment of an ethical and legal foundation include participating in training that provides the information necessary to ensure that the entrepreneur is completely cognizant of the regulations that affect the business venture. Information on the mode of incorporating the business can be outsourced from various sources such as the existing businesses and literary materials. The foundation principles for the business ethics include exercising the due care, maintenance of confidentiality, fidelity to special responsibilities, respecting the liberty and the constitutional rights of others. Others include respect for the human well-being, ensuring good-faith in the business negotiations, complying with the law, and evading the conflict of interest. The most eminent ethical resources for the suppliers include the code of conduct, ethics audits, ethics surveys, ethics training and ethics helpline (Ravi 540). Establishing an ethical and legal found ation for the customers requires transparency, undertaking the corporate social responsibility, ethical surveys, ethics helpline and access to ombuds. The strategies applied for motivating customers can also be applied to the investors. What challenges do entrepreneurs experience when establishing a solid legal and ethical

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Flight Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Flight - Research Paper Example The disappointment leads to few people being trained as pilots and even some changing their pilot careers. This paper will discuss the factors that lead to a shortage in the number of pilots in the airline industry. The paper will also offer probable measures that would rectify the solution if implemented. The main reason why  everyone  works is because they want to get salaries. Salaries are the motivation factor for people to work or to desire to join a certain career. The pilot career is among the best white color jobs, but the salaries offered are quite disappointing (Bachman 1). One expects that being in the pilot career; they will receive the best salaries as compared to being in other careers. The technicality in the job also calls for attractive salaries. However, the starting salaries of pilots are very low. Although the salaries may differ depending on the airline, on average, the starting salaries are very low. The educational efforts that one inputs do not match the salary that is provided. This fact keeps away the people who would be willing to train as pilots. Other careers that are in the same level as the pilot career such as medicine and architecture are well paying. The bright students will opt to study medicine and architecture rather that piloting since they expect to have better salaries from the start. Most airlines have failed to address the problem claiming that raising the salaries will lead to increasing travel costs for passengers. However, failing to address one problem has caused bigger problems such as delayed flights that chase away customers (Bachman 1). Most customers would prefer paying more rather than having delays. It is, therefore, necessary that airline managers should address the problem since it will have a double gain. Customer’s loyalty will be build and at the same time, the issue of pilot shortage will be curbed. Their salaries determine the lifestyles that people of a certain

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Euthanasia should not be treated as a crime Research Paper

Euthanasia should not be treated as a crime - Research Paper Example This holds more relevant when human rights i.e. basic rights of the people which are utmost important to lead a dignified life in the society are not enjoyed by them. The exposure to critical diseases like cancer and AIDS will make any person psychologically very weak and he may develop an element of pessimism towards his life. Some of the diseases like vitiligo and other skin diseases may lead to skin discoloration and they may be subjected to social boycott and hence leads to stigma and schizophrenia. In these circumstances, the mental strength of the patients may be affected significantly leading to a thought of ending life. In addition, the access to sound financial resources plays critical role in deciding the mental strength of any person. It makes people to go for better health care and education and social prestige in the society and hence their view towards life will be highly optimistic. On contrary, the people who are financially weak or bankrupt, they face lot of challeng es in the form of ill health status, social prestige and poor education and hence they may become disinterested to continue their life. Hence, in the event of poor financial status, exposure to critical and life taking diseases and lack of access to basic human rights, the people may feel that they are not going to enjoy a quality life in the society and they become highly pessimistic towards leading their life. Let us critically analyze the above mentioned factors one by one. 1. Human Rights Human rights also represent the right to quality of life and right to die along with right to dignity (Griffin, 2008). At any circumstances human rights must be protected or honored in the society. When a person is denied for the access to good health in nursing homes, and good working environment for the workers and lack of reasonable freedom to prisoners, it is understood that the right to dignity is at stake and hence the person may feel highly depressed with out any optimism to lead life (P itcher, 2010). Similarly, when a person is not enjoying good quality nutrition due to lack of access to food along with poor quality family life, his right to quality life is at danger. Their right to die might be considered as a human right due to exceptionally poor quality life and mental trauma and pessimism. It also comes under personal freedom, a basic human right to take decision about their lives. It is easier to argue that no body should be allowed to take their lives on their own under some legal clauses in some nations. However, it is equally important to note that the mental torture enjoyed by them due to lack of access to basic amenities is quite phenomenal. Unless we become successful in reversing the scenario in the form of provision of basic access to education, health and food to all people, we can’t change their idea of taking their lives. 2. Diseases In addition to issue of human rights, diseases play vital role in shaping the person’s thoughts about his life. Many patients with serious illnesses have transient thoughts about ending their lives (Carter, 2010 ; Smith, 2006) in the form of euthanasia or mercy killing. Hence, the moral grounds of euthanasia or mercy killing needs to be examined thoroughly before coming to a conclusion whether euthanasia should be treated as a crime or not (Hermsen and Have, 2002). It was reported that about 26% of physicians were

Monday, September 23, 2019

Thomas Wolsey as the Key Figure in Church Essay

Thomas Wolsey as the Key Figure in Church - Essay Example Wolsey was very much a man in the right place at the right time. The new King was young, fun-loving and, truth be told, rather lazy. His conception of Kingship was embodied in all-action heroes like King Henry V rather than frugal administrators like his own father, Henry VII. Nevertheless, he was not prepared to leave the affairs of state in the hands of his father's great servants, whom he found (typically enough for a teenager) old, boring, and behind the times. Empson and Dudley, his father's hated tax collectors, were executed; Foxe and Warham were rapidly reaching retirement age and were encouraged out of court with a series of withering insults by Wolsey. By 1519, the Venetian ambassador, Giustinian, was summing up the situation well when he told Francis I of France `that King Henry devoted himself to pleasure and ease and left the cares of the State to the Cardinal'. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that Wolsey made the most of the opportunities given to him. He had the grea t ability to gauge his audience, to flatter and to be entertaining. He had a `special gift of natural eloquence' (Cavendish) which the likes of Castiglione in the Book of the Courtier had stressed as being so important in the age of Renaissance diplomacy. Wolsey was a man who enjoyed the fine things of life. He was sociable, witty and convivial, a sponsor of musicians and artists. Polydore Vergil, the Tudor historian, gives us a glimpse into his tactics when he tells us that whenever the Cardinal wanted something from Henry, he `brought out some small present or other ... and while the King was admiring it intently, Wolsey would adroitly bring forward the project on which his mind was fixed'.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Perception of Beauty Essay Example for Free

Perception of Beauty Essay The term ‘beauty’ is used in multiple contexts. These can be divided into ‘inner beauty’, describing a goodness of personality, and ‘outer beauty’, concerned with aesthetic appearance. On the surface, disfigurement affects outer beauty, but it has been found that changes in appearance can cause anxiety, depression, grief, and a lowered self-esteem. These strongly affect a person’s disposition. Thus, defects in outer beauty can indirectly alter inner beauty. How do human beings decide who is attractive and who is not? Society is full of messages telling us what is beautiful, but what are those definitions based on? Do we consciously decide whom we are attracted to? The issue of beauty and how we define it has been studied for centuries. Scholars from all fields of study have searched for the formula for beauty. Darwin in his book â€Å"The Descent of Man† wrote, It is certainly not true that there is in the mind of man any universal standard of beauty with respect to the human body. It is however, possible that certain tastes in the course of time become inherited, though I have no evidence in favor of this belief. Beauty is an idea. Everybodys idea of beauty is unique. Beauty is a function of culture also. When ideas about beauty make powerful impacts, they can become beauty ideals. What is ideal beauty? We see it everywhere, from paintings, to magazines to TV. Douglas Yu of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, agrees. Its true by definition. Beauty is always judged by the receiver, he says. At the same time, he says in an email there is inter-observer concordance, a measure of objectivity, so that individual perceptions of beauty, factoring in other characteristics such as personality and intelligence, can often be aggregated to form a consensus opinion. Judgment of Beauty According to Kant, the judgment of beauty is different from cognitive or moral judgment because it is affected subjectively, that is, exclusively in reference to the person making the judgment. For a judgment to be truly â€Å"aesthetic†, rather than merely idiosyncratic, the person making the judgment must be adamant that their opinion be consensus. â€Å"A person who describes something as beautiful insists that everyone ought to give the object in question his approval and follow suit. Plato, one of the earliest philosophers to concern himself with beauty, defined it as a â€Å"property intrinsic in objects† which could be measured in â€Å"purity, integrity, harmony and perfection. † Media and Perception of Beauty Research shows that media play a dominant role in influencing females’ perceptions of the world around them, as well as helping them to define their sense of self. The media can definitely change our perception of beauty. It can indeed create a distortion in what a person considers to be ideal beauty or not. It is proven that those that are under the influence of media, either the TV or Print media may unsavorily change what is their idea of beauty by wanting to measure up the ideal or standard portrayed by the media. Another major influence on this centurys attitudes towards beauty was the growth of the film industry. For the first half of the century, all the major beauty icons were film actresses. It was a medium that allowed women who would have previously been overlooked to shine. For instance, the 19th century aversion to redheads was still in place as late as the 20s. It was that black-and-white medium that allowed Clara Bow to be the exception. However, stars such as Bette Davis and Katherine Turner who could not be described as â€Å"conventionally beautiful† invariably came from middle or upper class backgrounds. Beauty was an essential attribute for a working class woman to become successful in Hollywood. This period was also the beginning of the ties between the film and fashion industries, which would continue for decades to come. References Journal of Young Investigators Undergraduate, Peer-Reviewed Science Journal http://www. jyi. org/volumes/volume6/issue6/features/feng. html Utah Education Network

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Operations management is very important

Operations management is very important Operations management is concerned with managing inputs through transformation processes to deliver outputs eg: people, materials, technology. It is concerned with managing the resources that directly produce the organizations service or product. It is an important part of any organization. Operations management is very important in business operations since if forms the heart of the organisation by controlling the system of operation. Also it deals with design, operation and improvement of systems that create and deliver a firms primary products and services. Role of Implementer, Operations manager and Drivers: Implementers role is implementing new ideas, finding opportunities, designing, they have dreams and the Operations managers job is to workout their dreams come true. Role of managing operations involves five specific tasks. The operations managers must know overall objectives of the operations like quality, speed, dependability, flexibility, and cost. Improving quality can improve performance against any other objectives. Speed refers to the time it takes to deliver what is required of it. Means doing things quickly this can be achieved through rapid suppliers and effective control of work. Dependability covers how reliable the organization keeps promises to its customers. This can be achieved through an efficient scheduling system, reliable equipment and motivation. Flexibility concerns how quick the operation can change to meet demands and the finances consumed refers cost. Cost involves doing things cheaply by getting the right mix of resources and facilities providing good produc ts and services at low cost which can be achieved through increased capacity utilization, reduced overheads and higher productivity. It is the responsibilities of operations manager to undertake responsibility for begin involved in design, inventory management, customer service and the delivery processes. Thus operations managers have to know how the operations activities fare under this calculation. Managers have to understand what operation has to be go at in their particular environment. What operations has to be good at is usually delivering to the right quality, at the right speed, keeping its promises, providing appropriate flexibility and incurring the lowest feasible costs. Managers have to understand what their operation has to be good at in their particular environment. Drivers role is to workout the calculations of managers. They are involved in manufacturing products, loading it from warehouses to retailers, distributing. Infact they are making money for the organisation and the benefits company gains from these are good reputation and remuneration in the industry. A good communication between operations and these functions will help to make the organisation run smoothly. Importance of effective operations management is that it is able to produce professional managers capable of fulfilling strategic roles within business and government enterprises. Like marketing and finance, operations management is a functional field of business with clear management responsibilities. Reliance Communications Limited(RCOM) founded by the late Shri Dhirubhai H Ambani is the leading company of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, listed in the National Stock Exchange(NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE), and is now ranked among the top ten Asian Telecom companies. Reliance Communications is one of Indias foremost telecommunication service providers with more than 85 million customers. Services including national and international long distance calls and broadband services along with a wide range of value-added services and other applications. Companies Vision is to execute projects to facilitate leading edge communication and services affordable to all individual consumers and to offer value to create more customer satisfaction and to improve entire business of the enterprises and individuals whom they serve. Having achieved immense growth, the main challenge of RCOM is to improve quality of service and also its enterprise business is also not in a position to competate with the global giants. Keeping cost in mind, RCOM targets rural customers with new and latest services and cheap prices for mobile Internet access and also BharatNet, Wireless internet service High speed. For this, RCOM had offered internet access for just Rs 98/- per week with up to 350MB of downloads. Keeping dependability and flexibility in mind, they started expanding rural services with new Grameen VAS. Grameen VAS services met the local needs of rural mobile consumers in over 500,000 Indian villages. All these shows companies thrust into the vast po tential. Grameen VAS will be an essential part of their daily lives. It covers several specialised services including Agriculture, Animal husbandry, Weather Forecast, Local info, mHealth, mCommerce and Community Messaging. These services can be accessed via different modes i.e. Voice Portais, SMS, Data(R-World) etc. Just Rs.15/- is charged per month for Grameen VAS inorder to increase its adoption. Machine to Machine Applications (M2M), which are some mobile applications used for surveillance, automation, data gathering and remote monitoring. Its role for rural market includes Irrigation Automation services, monitoring water level, data gathering for agriculture co-operatives milk, soil analysis, fisheries and poultry. Reliance communications, as per its expansion plan has aimed to become one of the single largest wireless networks in the world, covering 1000 million Indians or more than 20% of the worlds population. Also it has a plan to cover 25,000 towns and every single Indian with a population of over 1,000. â€Å"Driving Internet penetration across the country beyond cities is the main priority of Reliance Communications† Reliance Communications, Indias biggest dual network operator and one of the largest telecom operators has won in introducing major techniques aimed at growing the mobile telecom and internet penetration almost everywhere in Rural India. For this they had introduced three initiatives i.e. BharatNet plan, Grameen VAS M2M (Machine-to-Machine) solutions. RCOM achieved this exponential growth through innovative planning and through ground breaking services and offerings in tariffs. The company was the pioneer one to break the Rs 1,000/- entry-barrier with the launch of the lowest cost handset at Rs 777. With this range of price, they plan to appeal with both, heavy and casual users. One India- One tariff plan helped millions to connect across any where in India at just one rupee per minute and Grameen VAS with just Rs 15/- a month. In six years, the company has achieved that much success in making mobile telephone affordable to millions of Indians which was the key driver of Indias enhanced rural tele-density from 1.5% in March 2003 to 15% in May 2009. Reliance communications network has already covered almost 100% of rail routes, providing clear radio, voice and video and internet connectivity to 14mn commuters each day. Recently covered mostly 100% of all highways, national and 84% of all state, helping millions of consumers the strength to talk, sms, surf net, play, chat stay in touch with the whole length of Indias 2 lakh km road networks. RCOM, introduced a new generation, integrated wire line and also wireless, voice, data and video digital network which is able for providing best services, covering over 20 thousand towns and 500 thousand villages. Company operates and owns the worlds largest next generation infrastructure of IP enabled connectivity, comprising over 1lakh 75 thousand kilometers of optic cable systems (fibre) in India, USA, Europe, Middle East and the Asia Pacific region. Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group currently has a worth in excess of Rs. 64,000 crore, cash flows of Rs. 13,000 crore and profit of Rs. 8,400 crore. The company, which has a customer base of over 85 million including over 2.2 million overseas customers, ranks among the Top 5 Telecom companies in the world by number of customers in a single country. On rural basis, the Indian telecom wireless rural subscriber base is now over 125 million. The next wave of telecom growth is emerging from rural parts of India, with a rural base which is expec ted to be double in preceding years. MICROSOFT: Resources, tools and systems are essential part of any business process which when work co-related paves the way to success of any company. Resources: The term ‘resources refer to a group of systems organised together in a proper manner. Various elements which comes together and also which comes to an end. For eg: Management resources, Planning resources. Business resources are usually grouped under several categories like Financial Resources which concerns the ability of the business to finance its strategy. Human resources, which include assessment of factors like existing staffing resources, changes required resources. Physical resources include information technology, production and marketing facilities. Intangible resources that include intellectual property, good will, brands, reputation. A business process can be divided into sub processes which are concerned with customer satisfaction. Tools: An Organization of functionally interactive units for the achievement of a common goal, a group of interacting, interrelated, social, economic, political, organizational form or interdependent elements forming a complex whole or a set of objects. The phenomenon grouped together for classification or analysis, an organized and coordinated method, a procedure or a set of interrelated ideas or principles. Tools are all objectives of systems. Analytic tools, system tools, diagrammatic tools eg: word, excel, power point, Internet explorer are all tools of Microsoft. Design tools of Microsoft include Deep Zoom Composer, Expression studio. Development tools and languages includes visual studio, visual FoxPro, Microsoft Robotics, Windows SDK. System: A system which can be used to find the facts how good you are in meeting standard and keeping everyone happy, an organized way to find how good you are in satisfying the customers meeting the quality and customers satisfaction. Production or Technical systems are concerned with the accomplishment of the basic tasks of the organization like production of goods and services etc. Supportive systems are the systems which obtains the inputs and dispose of the outputs of the production subsystem. For eg: The supervisor program or OS on a computer. A network of related computer software, hardware and data transmission devices. All systems have inputs, outputs and feedback and maintain a basic level of equilibrium. For eg: in the human body the heart functions to support the circulatory system, the type of traffic system which prevails in India. Microsoft Office System delivers a powerful collection of integrated programs, tools, servers, technologies and services that will help its developers build business solutions and connect people one another and to information. Microsoft Office System, Office 2003, 2007 is some of them. Quality audit systems: A good management system cant function without adequate audits and reviews. The system reviews, needed to be carried out periodically and systematically, to ensure that the system achieves the required effect, audits are carried out to make sure that actual methods are adhering to the documented procedures. Auditing means checking the standards. A quality management system review should be instituted every twelve months, with the aims of ensuring that the system is achieving the desired results or not, revealing defects or irregularities in the system, checking on all levels of management, uncovering danger area, to verify that corrective action procedures are effective. Guidance on quality management system audits is given in the international standard ISO 10011. The assessment of a quality system against a particular standard or set of requirements by internal audit and review is known as a first-party assessment or approval scheme. If an external customer ma kes the assessment of a supplier against either its own or a national or international standard, a second-party scheme is in operation. The assessment by an independent organization, not connected with any contract between customer and supplier, but acceptable to them both, is known as an independent third-party assessment scheme. Implementation of System Quality in Microsoft: When we implement system quality, its best to start with a plan. Software quality, by definition, is the degree to which software possesses a desired combination of attributes [IEEE 1992]. Therefore, to improve system quality, we must focus our attention on software-quality attributes. Ultimately, there are only a few system quality attribute primitives to which all system qualities can map. It includes Agility, Flexibility, Interoperability, Maintainability, Reliability, Performance, Reusability, Scalability, Testability and Usability. We must come up with our own set, so that we can clearly communicate with the stakeholders how system quality will affect our architecture decisions. There are a few system qualities that contributed to this positive experience, such as maintainability and testability, but there is one system quality that stands out, System flexibility. Quality culture is basically in corporation of quality in the overall system of an organization which leads to a positive internal environment and creation of delighted customers. A changed mindset at all the levels of management is the basic tool for implementation of such a culture. As the process of starting quality culture begins with managers who know the value of the systems view and also its believe in its implications. In order to create such a culture a changed mindset is essential and it is achieved through self realization at the top or through workshops and trainings. In other words, a quality culture is the organizational capability, its habits and benefits that enable it to deliver and design services and products that can meet customer needs and be successful in the market place for a long term. Microsoft awoken to the realization that its customers would be better served by actually being able to use their computers without having to pay for extra third party software to protect them. Punctuality is a must as all know in every organisation. We have to identify key perform indicates eg: employing good employees, Communicate with the employees, taulk with them, check if they accept that quality culture. Monitoring System-Quality Attributes: According to the plan to define the metrics of system quality and to monitor and track them throughout the software-development life cycle. The purpose of using metrics is to reduce subjectivity during monitoring activities and providing quantitative data for analysis. Any good system architecture has quality requirements, so this is a good place to start. For explaining this, consider flexibility, which is a specific system-quality attribute that consider very important in delivering agility to the business and IT stakeholders. Quality of service (QoS) System requirements; the solution architect is responsible for the integrity of the solution, and poorly defined system requirements can lead to confusion and it will result in a poor quality solution. To mitigate this, ensure that system requirements include QoS requirements specifically for those which are correlated to the prioritized system quality attributes. First build high quality software. Secondly, leverage the industry practice that guide solution architects to build high quality software systems. Last, build a plan for implementing system quality into the solution and avoid optimizing for all quality attributes. Prioritizing the quality attributes and focus attention on the top three. Ideally, it will improve the chances of software which will last and can reap long term benefits by improving customers. Reference: Les Galloway, Frank Rowbotham, and Masoud Azhashemi, 2000, Operations Management in context. First edition by (ISBN: 0750642807). Published by Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000. From given notes.