Friday, November 8, 2019

Life of a Confederate Soldier essays

Life of a Confederate Soldier essays Did you hear that John, the South made their own government earlier this week. Said Steve King, my younger brother, on our way back home from a swim with some of our slave friends. Yeah, and Jefferson Davis was chosen to be president. I replied, but Im not to sure seceding from the union was to good of an idea. I dont see anything good coming from the South seceding, even if it is constitutional. Im glad we seceded from the union. When the Yankees look at the south all they see is wasted land. They want to get rid of our way of life, which is the backbone of the United States, so that they can industrialize the South and make more money for themselves. Hes right, but I hope it doesnt come to war. The North would be much better prepared, and to many innocent people would die. But chances are it will, and this guy Lincoln wants it to. He said he wants unity for strength, I doubt that, he is no different than the rest of those abolitionist northerners. When we returned home, my life was changed forever. My mom, crying uncontrollably, took my brother and me in her arms, and told us the horrible news. A group of abolitionist, who were trying to start a slave revolt, killed my dad. He was only trying to stop them from taking innocent peoples lives, and despite his courageous efforts his innocent life was taken in a blink of an eye. The next few months were the two of the hardest months of my life. Then it happened, the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter, and the Civil War began. As soon as we could my brother and I told our mom we were going to join the confederates cause in the Civil War. I didnt want it to come to war but, I told my mom and brother, after Dad was killed I have been waiting for an excuse for revenge. My brother felt the same way, and thats why we were surprised when Mom would not let us...

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