Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Process of Leadership Innovation and Change

Question: Discuss about the Process of Leadership Innovation and Change. Answer: Leadership and Change Concept The term leadership refers to the process of managing a group of people. In order to lead a group of people, an individual should have the ability to communicate with the followers. On the other hand, change refers to the management tool through which an organization implements new strategies. In order to implement a new business strategy, a leader must have the ability to lead the change management. Here, it is highly important to communicate with the employees in order to create urgency of the change (Sheldon 2016). Therefore, it can be said that in order to bring change within organization, it is essential to implement appropriate leadership approach. Importance of Locus Control There are two types of locus control such as internal and external. A person with internal locus control believes in taking responsibility for everything. These kinds of people believe in taking action in order to influence the followers. On the other hand, people with external locus control believe in blaming people for outcome. These kinds of people are more reluctant to take responsibilities of the followers (Benzie, Pryce and Smith 2016). There is certain difference between these types, which influences the leadership approach of individuals. The major difference between these two categories is leadership approach. An individual with internal locus control communicates with the followers in order to achieve objectives. On the other hand, people with external locus gove instruction for achieving objectives. Self-esteem and Leadership In order to influence a group of people, a leader should set examples among the employees. Therefore, it is highly important to be self-esteemed while leading a group of people. It helps to influence the followers as a role model. Therefore, self-esteem is the most important thing than a leader should have. In order to influence the followers, a leader must have adequate confidence on decision-making. The leader should reach the ultimate level of Maslows hierarchy, which is self-actualized (Martin and McCarthy 2016). In this phase, people are allowed to influence others with their decision-making ability. Therefore, it can be said that there is huge relationship between leadership and self-esteem. Contingency Theory, leader behavior and situational leadership The behavior of a leader depends on the leadership approach. There are several leadership approaches such as transformational, transactional, situational and autocratic. In transformational approach, an individual can communicate with the followers in order to implement innovation. On the other hand, in autocratic leadership approach, leaders force the followers to achieve a specific objective (Johnson and McKenzie 2016). The situational leaders are able to change their approach in accordance with the situational demand. The great man theory of leadership emphasize that a leader is not created, but can be trained. Therefore, it can be said that leadership approach of an individual depends on their learning and development. Values, Ethics and leadership In leadership, values and ethics are the most important factor that influences leadership approach of an individual. A leader should maintain ethical practice in order to improve organizational culture. A leader should not be discriminative while dealing with their followers. In order to influence the followers in an efficient manner, a leader should not discriminate the followers based on age, sex and abilities (Dimitriadis and Psychogios 2016). The leader should only evaluate the followers based on their performance. It would help to improve both organization culture and performance in an efficient manner. In order to achieve organizational objectives, a leader should earn trust from their followers. Implementing and maintaining ethical practices help to earn trust from the followers in an efficient manner. Knowledge Management and Leadership Knowledge management is a tool, which helps organizations to gather and evaluate stakeholders data. In order to conduct appropriate evaluation of stakeholders data, it is highly important to build efficient communication. Therefore, leadership is the major requirement through which it is possible to enrich communication with the internal and external stakeholders. Apart from that, innovative technology is required in order to improve knowledge management process of an organization (DeMatthews 2016). On the other hand, a leader is the person who can bring innovation with participative decision-making process. Therefore, it can be said a transformational leadership approach is required in order to improve knowledge management system. Vision and the duty cycle A leader should a long-term vision through which it is possible to handle sudden situation. Long-term vision helps the leaders to implement innovative strategies through which sustainability can be maintained. The leaders should gather feedbacks from the employees in order to improve the decision-making process (Johnson and McKenzie 2016). Moreover, the leader should promote the vision and mission among the followers in order to achieve overall goals. In this manner, it is possible to simplify the overall organizational objectives among the followers in an efficient manner. Reference list Benzie, H.J., Pryce, A. and Smith, K., 2016. The wicked problem of embedding academic literacies: exploring rhizomatic ways of working through an adaptive leadership approach.Higher Education Research Development, pp.1-14 DeMatthews, D.E., 2016. Competing Priorities and Challenges: Principal Leadership for Social Justice along the US-Mexico Border.Teachers College Record,118(8), p.n8 Dimitriadis, N. and Psychogios, A., 2016.Neuroscience for Leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach. Kogan Page Publishers Johnson, G. and McKenzie, L., 2016. Capacity Building for Parental Engagement in Reading: A Distributed Leadership Approach Between Schools and Indigenous Communities. InLeadership in Diverse Learning Contexts(pp. 365-387). Springer International Publishing Martin, A.J. and McCarthy, L., 2016. Developing Sport Team Culture and Collective Leadership.Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,87(S1), p.S93 Sheldon, S.B., 2016. Moving beyond monitoring: A district leadership approach to school, family, and community partnerships. InFamily-School Partnerships in Context(pp. 45-63). Springer International Publishing

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